Monday, July 7, 2014

Progress Report: Getting Closer!

So as of this evening (Monday the 7th), the current draft of Rich Man's War is now in the hands of my trusty beta readers. I have seen a very recent version of the cover art, and I'm thrilled with the progress and excited to see the final product.

At this point, I know I'll need to do one last round of edits to squeeze out every last unnecessary word and to make sure I have all my punctuation straight, but it's looking like it won't be long now. That is, unless my beta readers all come back to me and tell me that these words I've been seeing on my computer screen are all just a giant incoherent illusion and really I've spent all this time mashing keys on my keyboard and telling myself it's a story.

This is always a weird feeling.

But on the bright side, the still-undetermined release date is now closer than it has ever been!!


  1. Alright!!!!! Can we see a preview of the cover art??? Chris

  2. So there is a possibility of it being "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy" over and over? ;p I hope not, can not wait to read this book.

    1. I'm envisioning "I am a fish" over and over.

  3. So maybe the end of July or early august as a release date ?


    Just curious but do you have a cool down activity you do after you "finish" a book? Camping, spa treatment, bingeing, What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? I imagine there's a lot of stress involved with writing a book and getting it ready for the public.

    1. I can't claim to live a high-stress life anymore. I did while I was writing PMF, but writing has become more and more of a full-time job for me. While it has its stresses, I can't say that they're immense or anything.

      So my "cool down" period involves lots of Civ V. Maybe another run-through of Skyrim or Mass Effect.

  5. We can only hope and let Elliott fine tune it until it meets his high standards.

  6. I can't wait to read more of your work! On a side note, I just found your blog and was wondering is there any way to purchase the literotica version of "Good Intentions"? I absolutely loved the denser erotica scenes and have been wanting to read it again as well as introduce it to my wife who also writes. Is that at all possible?

    1. Nick, thank you for the kind words. The honest and straightforward answer to your question is no, unfortunately.
      The more elaborate explanation is here:

      I sincerely hope that's not too disappointing.
