Monday, March 10, 2014

Poor Man's Fight -- Now Available in Paperback!

So I've proofed it, I've priced it as low as I could, and I'm quite happy with the results!

Poor Man's Fight is now available in paperback! You can get it either through Amazon or direct through CreateSpace. The Amazon version is slightly cheaper (though I don't know how or why). If you want me to get slightly more of your cash, CreateSpace is the way to go... but I couldn't for the life of me give you a reason why you'd want to do that.  :)

And oh, man, have you seen the new cover by Lee Moyer?

Work continues on the sequel! I wish I could give you a release date, but I'm a ways off from that yet. Thanks again for your interest!


  1. I think you meant is "now" available ? I was checking to see if there was any update on Rich Man's Fight and got a bit confused :-)

    1. You are correct, and I have fixed it. Guess I was a little too excited. :)

  2. The new cover appeared on my copy on my Kindle about 2 weeks ago. Looks good. Keep writing.

  3. The new cover art looks good. I don't suppose there is a hardcover copy in the works, is there?

  4. Just gonna put some money in the bank, look around the usual blogs aaaaand it's gone. Well, it will be, 'cause I dunno what source to get it from. If Good Intentions was an indication, amazon's delivery might be faster. But CreateSpace's gets you more, and there's this incredible urge to actually spend the money that way... Also, babbling. Ugh.
    Anyway, some of my money will grace your account soon enough I imagine :D

    And now for something completely different (or slightly different): As much as Lee Moyer's work rocks, I'm a bit sad to see the old cover go. It had a certain charm.

    And, on a last note: Thank you, for filling our free time with stories of awesome. May you stay healthy and happy.

    1. The original cover art is now on the title page. It's greyscaled and shrunk down considerably, but the helmet is still there. I felt like it struck a necessary note. :)
